Friday, November 11, 2011

Heaven Awaits ( Your Friendly Reminder)

Psalm 148:13   
"Let them praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven."

Have you ever wondered why God has delayed His coming? Or Why is God taking so long to come back for His glorious Bride? I must say over the years of my saved life, I've wondered many times why God is taking so long to come back. 

I believe with all my heart that not only are we waiting on God, but He's waiting on us. God's mercy for His children is so great, that the human mind just can't fathom it. Heaven is waiting for us Saints of God, God is ready to come rapture up His Bride. It's His people who are not ready.

Keep Holding on

Through this blog, I would like to remind you all, not to lose hope. The rapture is about to take place, and soon we will be with our Saviour Jesus Christ. Heaven is our real home, this earth we live in today is just our temporary home, Heaven is our eternal home. 

Question today:
God's waiting on you, but are you waiting for Him?

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